Warehouse complex characteristics
Class A warehouse is located in close proximity to the Russian-Estonian border,
next to the Ivangorod-Narva border crossing;
There are valid licenses for the activities of the customs warehouse and terminal,
which allows the storage of goods without paying taxes, customs duties;
Pumping station with an area of 103.4 m2;
Covered warehouse with an area of 10.015 m2, equipped with 7-tiered racks
(21,500 pallet spaces) and loading equipment (Stacker 1 pc., Loader 1 pc., Carts 3 pcs.);
Security post with an area of 18 m2;
Premises for drivers' rest, equipped with showers 36 m2;
Office space 142 m2;
Production area 75.4 m2;
The room temperature is regulated from +12 to +18 ะก;
Having a customs license will allow you to:
Transit clearance for the carriage of goods from the EU border to the customs
terminal / warehouse.
Clearance of cargo at the customs terminal (storage up to 90 days, the ability
to adjust the quantity on arrival).
Registration of cargo at a customs warehouse (untimely storage, the possibility
of resale without customs clearance, procedures in the warehouse: repackaging,
sticker labeling, etc.).
Declaration for free circulation with the possibility of deferring tax payments
up to 20 days.
Export clearance (export of EU goods from the EU).
Registration of re-export (export of non-cleared goods from the EU).
PRICE: 5.540.000 EUR + VAT
+372 5363 3313
Kadastiku tn 39b, Narva 21004 Estonia